November 21, 2012


This time of year we should all take an inventory of what we have, reflect on what we have lost and pray for what we need. 

I'm thankful for--- 

My husband Without him I wouldn't be the best me! 

My Family Their love is so important to me even tho we are hundreds of miles away from each other love makes feel you all feel much closer  

My Doctor He has taught me patience and how to listen (and act on ) what my body is telling me 

Williston This crazy place is giving me so much hope for the future

My Job I'm making a good wage, becoming good at what I do and I like most of the people I work with most of the time 

Lupus Crazy right? Well, it's true it has made me earn the future... Live in the today...and (try to) stop living in the past. It also has made my faith much stronger! I know I don't have control over my life but God does! 

My New Church Family I have been given so many opportunities to grow, lead and share. It has been amazing

My Wisconsin Church Families  I miss them all so much, but I can feel their support and prayers everyday

Jesus Without Him I'd be a hopeless human.  And instead I have Him and His grace, love and someday I'll get to sit and ask Him all the questions I have

I have been lucky to have not lost much this year.  My Temper, some money...I have all of the people I love still on Earth. So I feel like this was a very blessed year.

I have prayers for 2013---

This Country  I'm not going to get into politics but I know (as well as you) that this country needs some help! I pray that The Commander In Chief makes right and just decisions.  I pray that the people can prosper and gain in the ways the Founding Fathers would have approved.

Heath The health of my Dad, of myself and everyone else who is suffering

I hope that you all have a FANTASTIC holiday season.